Integrity Zone Signing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Integrity Zone Signing

Integrity Zone Signing

June 26, 2020 | Other Activities

ollow up with the launching of the Tegal Regency BPS Integrity Zone Development in Pendopo Amangkurat on June 18 last, witnessed by the Forkompinda Board, today on June 26, 2020 BPS of Tegal Regency held an Integrity Pact reading conducted by all BPS staffs of Tegal Regency and continued its signing .
Before the reading and signing of the Integrity Pact, Mr. Head of BPS of Tegal Regency Ir. Jamaludin, MM, is pleased to give direction about the WBK and WBBM Pillars consisting of 7 Pillars. The pillars include: Management of Change, Management of Arrangements, Arrangement of HR Management Systems, Strengthening Accountability, Strengthening Supervision and Improving the Quality of Public Services.
According to him, with solidarity and togetherness, BPS is expected to be able to commit to run all of these pillars to build an Integrity Zone towards a Region Free of Corruption (WBK) and a Clean and Servicing Bureaucracy Region (WBBM).
"With the establishment of this integrity zone, BPS will always strive to move forward, innovate and continue to maintain BPS Values, which are Professional, Integrity and Trustworthy. Besides that, it will also give birth to data that is accessible and well interpreted, and easy to read by various groups in the community. (Tri / Nerwil)
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