January 27, 2021 | BPS Activities
Starting 2021 with the spirit of BPS Core Values,
Professional, Integrity and Trust, BPS personnel are busy with Sakernas
activities, namely the National Labor Force Survey. Yesterday we conducted
training for 2 days with a virtual account, and now starting January 27, 2021
we are carrying out household listings or registrations. The officer,
accompanied by the supervisor, visits the RT which is the target of the
household listing sample. There are many joys and sorrows, some people are
surrounded by the crowd because of the respondent's curiosity, there are those
who are "curious" to ask, "What are the data about what are you
waiting for? pan olih help? understand again in the era when a lot of aid fell
because Covid became the enthusiasm of the Respondents with good reason. No
less busy the village snakes were also blocking our journey to the respondent
whose house was near the plantation. Alhamdulillah, the first day goes well,
hopefully the following day will also run smoothly until the end, aamiin.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tegal (BPS-Statistics of Tegal Regency)Jl Ade Irma Suryani No 1 Slawi Tegal
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