Sharing Your Knowledge, It is a Way to Achieve Recognition - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Sharing Your Knowledge, It is a Way to Achieve Recognition

Sharing Your Knowledge, It is a Way to Achieve Recognition

November 2, 2021 | Other Activities

Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the Tegal Regency BPS meeting room, a Knowledge Sharing took place with the presenter Ratna Sari Dewi as the Coordinator of the Statistics Function as a place to share knowledge with interns from the STIS Polstat. In today's Knowledge Sharing series, he added related to the condition of the Human Development Index, Poverty and Employment in the Tegal Regency Region.
In describing or interpreting data from a particular field, it is also necessary to relate it to other fields that affect the value. The multiplier effect has a broad influence, where a value from a particular field will affect the value of various other fields. Finally, by sharing knowledge this time, it is hoped that the Interns from STIS will be able to know what is being done at BPS as well as provide information on how to convey the results of the surveys that have been carried out by BPS as a policy maker in a good and efficient way. (Latifah/STIS. Tri/Nerwil)
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