MAPPING INDA TRAINING 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day



February 8, 2022 | BPS Activities

In conjunction with the schedule for the announcement of the results of the 2022 Mapping training candidate selection, candidates for the mapping map of the BPS Regency of Tegal participated in the Inda mapping organized by BPS Central Java Province.

Training in bold/online application using zoom meeting media. BPS Tegal Regency sent as many as 7 organic candidates Inda.
The training will last for 3 days from 8-10 February 2022.

Candidate Inda is expected to understand the flow of mapping activities and also understand the concepts, definitions and methodologies used. A good Inda can form a good and qualified candidate for mappers too. So the results from this mapping can be used as a reference for the upcoming 2023 Agricultural Census.

The Inda training is divided into 4 major classes, BPS Kabupaten Tegal is included in class B with several other regencies/cities. Mapping innas in class B are Mrs. Novia Permatasari from BPS RI and Hermawan Prasetyo from BPS Central Java Province.

Inda's training went well and was communicative. Innas can explain very well so that the training can absorb the material well too.(Mila)
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