Economic Growth 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Economic Growth 2021

Economic Growth 2021

March 9, 2022 | Other Activities

The economic condition of Tegal Regency in 2021 has recovered since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic which occurred in early 2020. This is marked by a positive growth direction. The improvement in economic conditions is illustrated by the value of GRDP at current prices (ADHB) and at constant prices (ADHK), as well as growth in total GRDP.
The increase in the value of GRDP is influenced by changes in prices at the consumer level and also changes in consumption volume based on changes in the value of ADHB's GRDP, namely from Rp. 35,300,027.84 million in 2020 to Rp. 37,335,993.58 million in 2021. Apart from being assessed as ADH Applies, GRDP is also assessed as ADH Constant = 2010 which describes changes or economic growth in real terms, without the influence of price changes which in 2020 amounted to Rp. 24,492,665.57 million which increased to Rp. 25,402,911.06 million in 2021. Therefore, there will be economic growth of 3.72 percent in 2021 when compared to the previous year.
Per capita GRDP is Gross Regional Domestic Product which if based on current prices shows the value of GRDP per head or per person population and if based on constant prices it is useful to know the real economic growth per capita of a country's population. GRDP per capita is obtained by dividing the value of GRDP by the total population in an area per certain period.
In 2020 the Per capita GRDP value of Tegal Regency is 22,154 (thousand rupiah) while in 2021 it is 23,210 (thousand rupiah), there is an increase of 4.7 percent, based on Current Prices. While the Per capita GRDP value on the basis of constant prices in 2020 is 15,372 (thousand rupiah) and in 2021 it is 15,792 (thousand rupiah) an increase of 2.7 percent, which means that the increase in the amount of consumption is smaller than the increase in price, between valid years compared to the base year. All of this cannot be separated from the effects of the Covid pandemic which will still be affected in 2021, although not as big as 2020 on the economic development of Tegal Regency.
The per capita growth on the basis of constant prices is very significant with a very significant change between 2020 which contracted -11.37 percent and increased positively even though it was thin in 2021, which was 2.73 percent.
Hopefully in the next year the economy of Tegal Regency will begin to improve and recover from the Covid pandemic. (Tri Wahyuni, BPS)
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