First Reconciliation of Geospatial Framework Update Activities and Wilkerstat - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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First Reconciliation of Geospatial Framework Update Activities and Wilkerstat

First Reconciliation of Geospatial Framework Update Activities and Wilkerstat

March 10, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency on Thursday (10/03/2022) conducted a Reconciliation on the Update of the Geospatial Framework and the Loading of the Statistical Work Area (Wilkerstat). This reconciliation is the first reconciliation. This activity was held in each sub-district in Tegal Regency and was attended by field officers (mappers), supervisors, and guided by supervisors from the Tegal Regency BPS Team Leaders.
This reconciliation aims to convey the obstacles encountered by mappers in the field so that they can be discussed in order to get problem solving, convey new things related to wilkerstat, as well as monitoring the progress of field implementation and monitoring activities for updating the geospatial framework and cargo. wilkerstat. The types of obstacles presented by the mappers were of various kinds, for example the obstacles encountered from the implementation of land cover geotagging (tuplah) including weather conditions that often rained, muddy roads, collapsed bridges, and so on, while the obstacle in SLS was the absence of the RT head. , and others.
It is hoped that by holding this reconciliation, all forms of obstacles encountered in the field will find the best solution. Mappers and supervisors are also expected in the remaining days to complete their work optimally and produce valid and quality data. The results of updating the wilkerstat base map will not only be used for ST2023 data collection but also as a master frame for data collection activities organized by BPS for the next few years. (Dzatu/STIS)
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