Tegal Regency BPS Team Conducts Rice-Cutting Supervision in Slawi and Dukuhwaru Sub-districts - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Tegal Regency BPS Team Conducts Rice-Cutting Supervision in Slawi and Dukuhwaru Sub-districts

Tegal Regency BPS Team Conducts Rice-Cutting Supervision in Slawi and Dukuhwaru Sub-districts

November 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Monday, November 14, 2023, the Tegal Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) team consisting of Tri Wahyuni, Heny Khristianawati, and Kartika Sari Sunarno carried out rice ubinan supervision activities in Kalisapu Village, Slawi District, and Kabunan Village, Dukuhwaru District. This activity is part of a survey conducted by BPS to obtain quality data on rice productivity and production.
Rice culling is a method to obtain information on the productivity of rice yields using samples. The cropping, which was carried out by field partner officers Sutari, Arif Supriatno, and Rudianto, aimed to obtain figures on rice productivity and production in the area. This activity is carried out by determining the plot of rice fields or land to be carried out by ubinan activities covering an area of 2.5 x 2.5 meters. The results of this activity are expected to provide accurate and useful information for the development of the agricultural sector in the region.
Thus, the supervision of rice ubinan by the Tegal Regency BPS team is an important effort in supporting the development of the agricultural sector. Through this activity, it is hoped that an increase in rice productivity and production can be achieved, and provide significant benefits for the farming community in Tegal Regency. (teak)
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