Senen Ngangenin: Education on the Function of Balance Sheet Now and in the Future - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Senen Ngangenin: Education on the Function of Balance Sheet Now and in the Future

Senen Ngangenin: Education on the Function of Balance Sheet Now and in the Future

December 18, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS Tegal Regency held a routine Senen Ngangenin event on Monday, December 18, 2024. This event was themed "The Function of Balance Sheet in the Present and Future" and presented Heny Kristianawati, S.E., M.M, as the speaker. The hosts of this event were Ari Yulianto and Ani Penganti, and started at 07.30 WIB until 09.00 WIB. 

Heny Kristianawati started the material presentation at 08.00 WIB. She explained about the understanding of what work is in the Regional Balance function. Starting from the survey survey to the presentation of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) figures both by Use and Business Field. The material presentation lasted for 60 minutes. In the question and answer session, participants actively asked questions to the speaker.

The Senen Ngangenin event was welcomed by employees of BPS Tegal Regency. The participants felt that they gained new knowledge about how to present GRDP figures both through the web and other publications.

Senen Ngangenin event is expected to be a means of education for employees of BPS Tegal Regency. This event is also expected to improve employee competence and support the progress of BPS in particular and the country in general. (Uong)
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