Collaboration in Early 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Collaboration in Early 2024

Collaboration in Early 2024

January 16, 2024 | Other Activities

Starting the year 2024, on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, Head of BPS Tegal Regency Bambang Wahyu Ponjo Aji, along with his staff Diana Dwi Susanti, Adnan Puji Wahyudi and Uziroh paid a visit to Diskominfo. Head of Diskominfo Nurhayati and Head of Statistics Sri Rejeki received the team.


In this meeting, Bambang explained BPS programs. One of the programs presented was Desa Cinta Statistik or Desa Cantik. The Desa Cantik program is a quick win effort developed by BPS to participate in poverty reduction programs. This program is in line with the spirit of One Data Indonesia, which is to realize the integration of development planning, implementation, evaluation, and control.


The most fundamental thing in this meeting was the collaboration effort between stakeholders related to the development of the Desa Cantik program. One of the OPDs that has duties and functions up to the village level is the Village Community Empowerment Office. It is expected that Dispermades will support the Desa Cantik program which will be launched this year. There are also village objects that will get coaching in 3 villages, namely: Pagerwangi Village, Balapulang Subdistrict, Ujungrusi Village, Adiwena Subdistrict and Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi Subdistrict.
To continue this collaboration, BPS and Diskominfo agreed to visit Dispermades to convey the Desa Cantik program. The visit will be held on Wednesday, January 17, 2023 to jointly discuss with the same goal of building villages through data. (dds)
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