In an effort to improve the accuracy of statistical data on food crops, such as rice, in Tegal Regency, intensive supervision of the sampling frame survey was conducted. This supervision was conducted by a team consisting of Supervisors Ari Yulianto and Anni Shoffiati, as well as ASF Officers Agung Wijaksono and Mufid Nurningsih.
Supervisor Ari Yulianto focused his supervision in Pagerbarang Subdistrict, particularly in Pesarean, Srengseng, and Jatiwangi Villages. Meanwhile, Anni Shoffiati was responsible for supervising in Depok, Rancawiru, and Penusupan villages in Pangkah sub-district.
The ASF (Area Sample Framework) schedule is carried out every month, starting from the 23rd to the 29th. The observation method used includes direct monitoring of the growth and development phase of rice using the Android application. This is a concrete step in an effort to improve the methodology for collecting statistical data on food crops to make it more representative.
The use of technology such as Android applications is one way to ensure the accuracy of the data collected. With strict supervision and the use of the latest technology, it is expected that statistical data on food crops, especially rice, can be significantly improved. This step is an important part of ensuring the sustainability of data accuracy for more effective planning and decision-making in agriculture. (Ari 'n Ann)