BPS Kabupaten Tegal Supervises Small Industries in Pagerwangi PL3D - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Kabupaten Tegal Supervises Small Industries in Pagerwangi PL3D

BPS Kabupaten Tegal Supervises Small Industries in Pagerwangi PL3D

October 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, October 1, 2024 - The Desa Cantik Pagerwangi team, led by Annisa Purbaning Tyas, along with Senior Statistician Diana Dwi Susanti and Junior Statistician Heny Khristianawati from BPS Kabupaten Tegal, conducted supervision on the Complete Data Directory Village Data (PL3DP) of small industries in Desa Pagerwangi, Balapulang District. This supervision was conducted to monitor the progress of data collection for small industries in the village, which include tempe, brick, furniture, and others.

The Desa Cantik Pagerwangi team was accompanied by Muhammad Furqon, an officer from Desa Pagerwangi, during the supervision. The involvement of BPS Kabupaten Tegal in this activity was welcomed with joy by the Head of Desa Pagerwangi, Waluyo. He hopes that this supervision will help improve the quality of this complete data collection.

This time, the supervision of the black tempe industry in Desa Pagerwangi went well. The Pagerwangi Statistical Agents conducted data collection covering the respondent identification block, production, assets, and marketing. This data collection aims to obtain accurate data on the condition of the black tempe industry in the village.

The data obtained from this data collection will be used to see the development of small industries in Desa Pagerwangi. BPS Kabupaten Tegal will provide recommendations and technical assistance to the statistical agents to ensure that data collection runs smoothly, especially regarding data quality and efficiency.

Supervision of small industries in Desa Pagerwangi is part of the Desa Cantik program initiated by BPS Kabupaten Tegal. This program aims to encourage local economic growth through the development of small and medium enterprises in village, (Uonk)
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