Essay Competition Presentation in HSN takes Place at BPS Kabupaten Tegal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Essay Competition Presentation in HSN takes Place at BPS Kabupaten Tegal

Essay Competition Presentation in HSN takes Place at BPS Kabupaten Tegal

October 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, September 30, 2024 - The BPS Kabupaten Tegal office witnessed the enthusiasm of young generation in the presentation of the essay competition "The Role of Generation Z in Building Towards a Golden Indonesia." The event, which lasted a full day, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, was participated by 14 students from three high schools in Slawi, namely SMAN 1 Slawi, SMAN 2 Slawi, and SMAN 3 Slawi.

The event was officially opened by the Head of the General Sub-Division of the BPS Kabupaten Tegal office, Andi Kurniawan, and Senior Statistician Diana Dwi Susanti. In his speech, Andi Kurniawan expressed his hope that this essay competition could motivate young people to be more active in national development.

The essay competition featured judges from BPS Kabupaten Tegal, namely Heny Khristianawati, Moh Bakhtiar Helmi, Ika Efrilia, Annisa Purbaning Tyas, and Martin Muktiasih. The participants enthusiastically presented their works in front of the judges, followed by an interactive question-and-answer session.

The atmosphere of the essay competition was solemn and full of enthusiasm. The participants showed high enthusiasm in conveying their creative thoughts about the role of Generation Z in building towards a Golden Indonesia. The judges also provided appreciation and constructive feedback for each participant.

The essay competition "The Role of Generation Z in Building Towards a Golden Indonesia" is expected to be a platform for young people to channel their ideas and thoughts, as well as to raise awareness of the importance of their role in advancing the nation. (Uonk)
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