Portrait of the 2020 Population Census of Tegal Regency Towards One Indonesian Population Data - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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March 8: Indonesian Women's Day

Portrait of the 2020 Population Census of Tegal Regency Towards One Indonesian Population Data

Catalog Number : 2102041.3328
Publication Number : 33280.2108
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-71006-3-3
Publishing Frequency : Every 10 Years
Release Date : June 11, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 10.78 MB


SP2020 was implemented in the midst of a pandemic, but has implemented several innovations thatincorrectly used for a combination that is being implemented for the first timein the history of the population census in Indonesia. The combination method is the use ofpopulation administration data (adminduk) from the Directorate General of Population andCivil Registration (Ditjen Dukcapil), Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as dataSP2020 basis. It is designed and implemented as an effort to realize OneIndonesian Population Data.One step closer to One Indonesian Population Data, BPS together with the Directorate General ofDukcapil releases SP2020 results. The implementation journey and results of SP2020 are presented in detailsummary in the booklet Portrait of the 2020 Population Census Towards One Population DataIndonesia, both at the national and regional levels.This booklet presents a collection of basic data on the population of Tegal Regency up todistrict level. The basic data of the SP2020 result figures include the population bygender, administrative area, following parametersderivatives such as population density, sex ratio, andpopulation growth rate. These data are expected tomeet the needs of the latest population data forplanning, monitoring, evaluating development programs andvarious research references.
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