Tegal Regency 2020 Population Census Long Form Results - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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March 8: Indonesian Women's Day

Tegal Regency 2020 Population Census Long Form Results

Catalog Number : 2102047.3328
Publication Number : 33280.2303
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : February 10, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.95 MB


Tegal Regency is a regency with enormous potential. In terms of population, Tegal Regency is the fifth largest in Central Java after Brebes, Cilacap, Banyumas, and Semarang City. With the right strategy, the population as a potential resource can be a strength to realize a Prosperous, Independent, Superior, Cultured, and Noble Tegal Regency.In 2022, exactly a decade of Indonesia's demographic bonus, BPS is committed to completing the mandate to carry out the Advanced Population Census (Long Form SP2020) with various challenges in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. With the permission of God Almighty and the hard work of all parties, the Long Form SP2020 data collection has been completed. The SP2020 Long Form carries a big mission as a Benchmark for Indonesia's population indicators, a Demographic Portrait of Indonesia after passing the second wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic, an evaluation of development achievements in the population sector in the SDGs and RPJMN, and a basis for determining Indonesia's development policies towards the Golden Indonesia 2045.Although it was carried out in the midst of a pandemic, there were several innovations implemented in the SP2020 Long Form, one of which was the use of various data collection modes (PAPI, CAPI, CATI, and CAWI). For the first time Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) was implemented in the history of population censuses in Indonesia. The implementation journey and results of the SP2020 Long Form are summarized in the booklet Population Indicators of SP2020 Long Form Results.This booklet presents a comprehensive picture of the population of Tegal Regency based on the results of the SP2020 Long Form. The basic data coverage of the SP2020 Long Form results are indicators of fertility, mortality, mobility, education, and housing.
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