Sharing Knowledge : Menulis di Koran - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Sharing Knowledge : Menulis di Koran

Sharing Knowledge : Menulis di Koran

July 3, 2020 | Other Activities

Every media has a news worthiness. Decent news has several criteria such as; the news is important, is something extraordinary, has a closeness with the reader, famous, and contains elements that touch the reader's feelings. This was conveyed by Roni Yuwono, S.Sos as the Editor of Suara Merdeka in a knowledge sharing event on journalistic training at the Central Statistics Agency of Tegal Regency, Friday (3/7). Followed by BPS employees and employees of Tegal Regency, this journalistic knowledge sharing was the first time organized by BPS Tegal Regency. This event was held because of the enthusiasm of BPS employees in Tegal Regency to be able to write decent writing. (Ann/dist)
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