Ngangenin Monday (Ngakrabna kekancan, sharing knowledge and information) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Ngangenin Monday (Ngakrabna kekancan, sharing knowledge and information)

Ngangenin Monday (Ngakrabna kekancan, sharing knowledge and information)

September 4, 2023 | Other Activities

Ngangenin Monday (Ngakrabna kekancan, ngebagi ilmu lan informasi) was an activity held on Monday, September 04, 2023 at BPS Tegal Regency. This activity was opened by MC Any Penganti who started the event by singing Indonesia Raya and Mars Statistik, creating a spirit of togetherness and patriotism among the participants.

Furthermore, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Ir. Jamaludin, gave directions to the employees on various matters related to the results of the Rapimnas, the use of official vehicles, computers, plans for ratekda, groundcheck verification of ST2023 processing results, and preparation of ST2023 data anomaly querytool. This briefing aims to ensure that all employees understand their duties and responsibilities and unify the vision and mission of the institution.

In addition to the direction from the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, this activity was also a moment of farewell for BPS Tegal Regency employee, Wiwit Wiharti, who will move to the Regional Government of Tegal Regency. Wiwit Wiharti has made valuable contributions during her time at BPS Tegal Regency, and this event was an opportunity to say thank you and remember her work journey.

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