Inda Training and Sakernas Admin August 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Inda Training and Sakernas Admin August 2020

Inda Training and Sakernas Admin August 2020

July 22, 2020 | BPS Activities

On 21 and 22 July 2020 coincided with Monday and Tuesday BPS throughout the Central Java Province participated in the Inda and Sakernas Admin August 2020 training organized by BPS Central Java Province. August Sakernas training must continue even though it is still in the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is different from the previous BPS trainings which are usually carried out face-to-face with Inda training. This time it was conducted in a new way online and through the elearning learning method. On Friday a simulation was conducted to test the readiness of BPS in Central Java Province and the participants before the Sakernas training which will be held on Monday through Zoom Meeting,
Unlike previous trainings that only train prospective regional instructors, this training involved two admins who would later be tasked to become operators when conducting training officers. The purpose of the Inda Sakernas training in August 2020 is to provide and unite understanding for prospective instructors who will provide training for candidates for Sakernas officers in August 2020. Inda training and Sakernas Admin August 2020 will be followed by Ratna Sari Dewi, Adnan Puji Wahyudi, Imam Furqon and Garnis Nevi Fatmawati is effective for two days.
The first day at 08.00 was opened by the Head of BPS of Central Java Province, followed by learning materials in each Zoom meeting class until 18:00. On the second day the learning began at 08.00 and closed with remarks from the Head of Social Statistics BPS Central Java Province at 17:30. (garn/Sosial)
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