April 5, 2021 | BPS Activities
The background of the Quarterly Household Consumption Special Survey is because this household consumption sector accounts for more than 50 percent of the Indonesian economy, so it is very important data to analyze the main economies in the Expenditure Balance Order or Expenditure GRDP.
The main objectives include:
1. Knowing the pattern of household consumption on a quarterly basis
2. Obtain a conceptual picture of a household by household
3. Obtain supporting indicators for quarterly household consumption
The enumeration was carried out through interviews with the head of the household or household members who knew very well, consumption, and household income with a quarterly time pattern, which was recounted every 3 months to see the progress with regular respondents.
It takes patience, persistence and tenacity for both enumerators and respondents, because their participation is very large in the analysis of the Indonesian economy. BPS Canaaaaa !!!! (Tri / nerwil)
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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