Survei Neraca Terintegrasi (SINASI) Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Survei Neraca Terintegrasi (SINASI) Training

Survei Neraca Terintegrasi (SINASI) Training

June 23, 2021 | BPS Activities

Social restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic have caused the implementation of a special survey field at the Directorate of Production Balance (DNP) to be carried out more effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the integration of the three surveys into one training with the term SINASI, namely the Integrated Production Balance Survey in 2021.
The training was held for 3 days, from 15-17 June 2021. The usual training to avoid direct contact was carried out in a Zoom Meeting coordinated by BPS Central Java Province and Innas from Central BPS for 2 classes. Besides Virtual, it is also E-Learning for 8 absences and one quiz/study.
SINASI2021 integrates three DNP-specific surveys, namely:
1. Special Survey for the Balance of Production (SKNP)
2. Service Sector Special Survey (SKSJ)
3. In-depth Study SEEA–Ocean Account

The SKNP covers all of the above categories except category G (Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair and Maintenance of Cars and Motorcycles) and category O (Mandatory Government, Defense, and Social Administration).
SKSJ only covers category G, and is divided by wholesale and retail trade with the commodities traded covering 36 commodities .
Meanwhile, the SEEA-Ocean Accounts In-depth Study includes activities that have the following criteria:
a) Economic activities that are physically located at sea (eg shipping, fisheries, offshore oil and gas);
b) Economic activities that are physically close to the sea (eg coastal tourism, coastal cultivation);
c) Economic sectors, located on land, which depend on natural inputs from the marine environment, both biotic and abiotic (eg fish processing, building materials such as sand, stone, etc.);
d) Economic activities that provide goods or services to a sector located at sea (eg shipbuilding, marine engineering);

The schedule for the SINASI Survey Implementation will start from June to August 2021. Even though we are in a condition full of concern like now because Covid is still rampant, hopefully we will continue to be enthusiastic about carrying out this SINASI survey while still referring to the quality of the data and collected on time, as well as all staff God protect you in carrying out your duties, healthy and safe, amen. (tri/Nerwil)
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