KSA Survey Supervision - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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KSA Survey Supervision

KSA Survey Supervision

October 8, 2021 | BPS Activities

Area Sample Framework (KSA) is a method to determine the estimation of harvested area using satellite and coordinate points in mapping the area of ​​rice field mapping. To find out the harvested area, order the right and accurate data and information. The Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency conducts Sampling Framework (KSA) activities which are carried out every month in the last week.
On Saturday, September 25, 2021, supervision was carried out to one of the KSA sample points, namely the Kedungsukun Village and Peduslohoer Village, Adiwerna District. Supervision was carried out by Hayyun KTH, S.Si, MM Coordinator of the Statistical Function of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Tegal Regency, while the enumerator was Zulkarnaen Adhi Pradana, as the Coordinator of Statistics for Adiwerna District.
The KSA areas visited were mostly rice plants, although there were also vegetable crops such as mustard greens, onions and corn. The phases observed were mostly early Harvest and Vegetative phases. After completing all the points, enter them into the KSA application (android based) and send to the KSA server at the central BPS. (Adhi/ksk, Tiara/pkl).
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