Health Consultation for Tegal Regency BPS Employees - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Health Consultation for Tegal Regency BPS Employees

Health Consultation for Tegal Regency BPS Employees

November 12, 2021 | Other Activities

Following up on the medical check-up on Thursday (4/11) at the Tegal Regency BPS Office, today (Friday, 12/11) the Tegal Regency BPS invited doctors from Prodia Clinical Laboratory to conduct health consultations based on the results of the medical check-ups that have been received every year. employee. The health consultations provided include the results of blood tests, cardiac ECG tests, Urine tests and Thorax X-rays carried out one by one. Located in the PST (Integrated Statistical Service) room, each employee gets the opportunity for health counseling and receives input and advice on how to maintain optimal health. For some employees who have health complaints and a history of illness, they can also be consulted with a doctor to get input on how to control and treat the complaints they suffer.
The consultation process begins with making a queue and then when it is his turn, the employee enters the PST room and so on until all have received counseling from the doctor. The results of the consultation are for personal consumption only, therefore counseling is carried out in rotation so that the information obtained is only for the doctor and the employee who knows. After all the health counseling processes have been carried out, each employee gets an interesting souvenir from Prodia as a memento.
With today's health consultation, in the future, Tegal Regency BPS employees are expected to be able to maintain and improve health, especially at a young age. Excellent health can improve performance and immunity so as to be able to carry out various office tasks with optimal achievements.
As Thomas Carlyle said “He who is healthy has hope. He who has hope has everything” (Lathifah/STIS)
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