SITASI Enumeration (Integrated Agricultural Survey) Complete - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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SITASI Enumeration (Integrated Agricultural Survey) Complete

 SITASI Enumeration (Integrated Agricultural Survey) Complete

November 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

As previously discussed, SItasi is the first survey conducted by BPS. There are three types of questionnaires that must be filled out for 1 respondent and are carried out using the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing) method.

It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. There are many challenges faced by officers in the field. Starting from internet access, mode, weather, and also the length of interview time required.
Rejection, cynical views, reluctant answers and even expulsion became an unforgettable experience for officers.

The relatively long time often causes the atmosphere to become less conducive. Respondents and officers both experienced fatigue but the interview had to be carried out, so the officer had to have a special strategy so that the interview went even though it was interrupted.
It is also very important to maintain the mood of the respondents so that they are willing to continue the interview until all the questionnaires are filled.

Luckily, SItasi officers are selected officers who have high dedication to BPS. So that whatever the obstacles do not become a stumbling block for them, they try to carry out their duties well.

Finally, the 2021 SItasi enumeration activities have been completed according to the specified time limit. The efforts of the officers should be well appreciated.(Mila/Prod)
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