THE SITASI JOURNEY BEGINS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day



October 26, 2021 | BPS Activities

After a long process, the Citation sampling was finally completed. BPS Tegal Regency received an additional sample allocation of 21 samples so that the total sample allocation became 791 samples from the original 770 samples.

There are 26 field officers (PCL) and 10 supervisory officers (PML). The allocation of each PCL is 21-40 samples of agricultural businesses. One PML person supervises 2-3 PCLs.

Today, PCL started the activity of enumeration of SITASI in their respective work areas with PML included. The SITASI enumeration in Tegal Regency uses the CAPI method with the ICS application. There are three types of questionnaires, namely the Module Questionnaire, the Economic Questionnaire, and the MPA Questionnaire.

With so many questionnaires being used, PCL must set a strategy so that respondents can still give good answers and don't come out in the middle of the interview. PCL should make the interview situation more comfortable and less pushy.

One respondent received a souvenir package in the form of a mask as a sign of gratitude. The masks were chosen as souvenirs as a form of support from the Tegal Regency BPS for the government's program to implement the Health Protocol and reduce the number of Covid-19 cases.

It is hoped that the SITI enumeration will run smoothly and be completed according to the schedule that has been set. As well as being able to produce data as a measurement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) indicators in the agricultural sector. (Mila/Production)

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