New Face of Integrated Statistics Service (PST) BPS Tegal Regency Ready to Welcome Visitors - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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New Face of Integrated Statistics Service (PST) BPS Tegal Regency Ready to Welcome Visitors

New Face of Integrated Statistics Service (PST) BPS Tegal Regency Ready to Welcome Visitors

January 4, 2022 | Other Activities

Based on Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, the implementation of which is regulated by Government Regulation No. 96 of 2012, Article 11 states that public service providers can implement an integrated service system. In order to realize an integrated service system, BPS developed the Integrated Statistical Service (PST), not guaranteeing the Tegal Regency BPS.
After years of consistently providing integrated statistical services, on Monday (03/01) the new face of the Tegal Regency BPS PST was officially released. After starting in October 2021, the Tegal Regency BPS PST has now returned with a fresh new face. The facilities in it are even more complete. Starting from temperature counters and automatic hand sanitizers for visitors, children's seats, two computers, cellphone charging stations, comfortable seats, complete books, and of course PST officers who are always ready to serve visitors.
Tegal Regency BPS PST officers will use the new maroon uniform and the officers will be rotated from internal Tegal Regency BPS employees. Statistical services at the Tegal Regency BPS PST are direct (offline) and indirect (online) services, which include: Library Services, Statistical Consulting Services through Direct Coming Media, Statistical Consulting Services through Online Media, and Statistical Activity Recommendation Services. (Isna/State Police STIS)
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