BPS Ready to Face Mega Disruptions - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Ready to Face Mega Disruptions

BPS Ready to Face Mega Disruptions

January 31, 2022 | Other Activities

BPS took the Innovation Mode step in dealing with Mega Disruption, so as not only to survive and survive the crisis but also to answer the existing challenges by developing new strategies so that BPS can continue to grow and transform in making statistical data a determinant of people's welfare.

BPS is also committed to changing the way it works by implementing new rules. All employees will be directed to certain functional positions, both technical and non-technical, BPS also expands competency development. If in the past there was still a function coordinator, this year there is a culture of forming a work team.

Adaptation of work arrangements in the new era by optimizing collaborative and flexible work procedures by utilizing technology. Employees must be able to work in teams and collaborate to achieve organizational goals. Later, a Flexible Working Space (FWS) system will be implemented so that employees can work anywhere, supported by integrated and simple technology (application).

There are several criteria to be able to implement the FWS system, namely discipline, work performance, and the distance from domicile to the office location. Other criteria are also mentioned according to the PPKM level and other circulars, namely mode of transportation, age, pregnant/breastfeeding mothers, and having comorbid diseases.

BPS has also developed many supporting applications such as SiJafung, CKP, MeetAps, Back Office, Simpeg, etc.

The message from the Deputy for Production Statistics, Mr. M. Habibullah, was conveyed by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Mr. Ir Jamaludin. MM in the online morning rally today, Monday 31 January 2022. (Mila/Team Medsos)
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