Family Gathering Partner Statistics Tegal Regency BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Family Gathering Partner Statistics Tegal Regency BPS

Family Gathering Partner Statistics Tegal Regency BPS

January 13, 2022 | Other Activities

Smooth communication and harmonious working relationships can create a connected and well-coordinated environment. One of the effective activities to maintain and improve these conditions is through Family Gathering. Is a series of activities held by a company or agency in order to strengthen the relationship between employees. Most of the Family Gathering activities are carried out outdoors which are packaged as attractively as possible to create a close family atmosphere.
By still adhering to health protocols, on Sunday (09/01) yesterday the BPS Statistics Partner of Tegal Regency held a Family Gathering at two locations, namely Ben Dina Hills and Golaga- Purbalingga Regency, Central Java. The budget for this activity is self-supporting from the partners themselves, and this is the third time it has been implemented. Carrying the theme of the activity "Gathering of Statistical Partners with Morals to Realize Quality Data for Advanced Indonesia". The series of events were filled with fun-games, door prizes followed by Golaga nature tourism. Unpredictable rains shifted the original plan so that all outdoor fun-games were not implemented. Even though there was an agenda that was omitted, overall the Family Gathering for the BPS Statistics Partners in Tegal Regency could be carried out in a controlled manner until the end of the event. Through this event, in the future the kinship and good relations between the Statistical Partners of BPS Tegal Regency will increase. If in the future there are several field activities and jobs that require collaboration, Statistical Partners can be a statistical agent that helps BPS in grounding data and is able to transmit the correct understanding of statistics so that awareness and love for data are developed from the public. (Lathifah/STIS).
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