BPS-Statistics Tegal Regency Holds 2023 Agricultural Census Alert Calls - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS-Statistics Tegal Regency Holds 2023 Agricultural Census Alert Calls

BPS-Statistics Tegal Regency Holds 2023 Agricultural Census Alert Calls

May 31, 2023 | BPS Activities


The 2023 Agricultural Census Standby Call was held at the KORPRI Sports Building which is located on Jalan Dr. Soetomo, Slawi. The event was attended by 909 census officers consisting of UTP and UPB-UTL data collectors. Of these, UTP census officers consisted of 18 District Census Coordinators (koseka), 127 Field Examination Officers (PML), and 758 Field Assessor Officers (PPL). UPB-UTL officers consist of 1 Supervisor and 5 Task Force Officers.


In his remarks, Head of BPS-Statistics Tegal Regency, Ir. Jamaludin, MM conveyed the importance of the role of officers in the implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census. He stressed that the agricultural census was one of the important activities to collect accurate data and information regarding the agricultural sector in the Tegal Regency area. The 2023 Agricultural Census is an attempt to obtain valid and reliable data regarding the condition of agriculture in the Tegal Regency area. This data is very important to formulate appropriate policies and programs in the development of the agricultural sector.


In addition, officers are reminded to carry out their duties with professionalism and accuracy. They are expected to be able to carry out data collection carefully and thoroughly and maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from respondents.


By holding this Standby Call, BPS-Statistics Tegal Regency has shown its commitment and readiness to carry out the 2023 Agricultural Census. The reading of the pledge was guided by the Head of the 2023 Agricultural Census Team for BPS-Statistics Tegal Regency which was then attended by all participants in the rally.


The implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census in Tegal Regency will begin on June 1 and is expected to run smoothly. The officers are ready to carry out their duties with dedication and professionalism for the success of the census which is an important effort to obtain useful information for agricultural development in the region. (ty)
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