Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Publication of TEGAL REGENCY IN 2022 FIGURES - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Publication of TEGAL REGENCY IN 2022 FIGURES

Forum Group Discussion (FGD) Publication of TEGAL REGENCY IN 2022 FIGURES

February 7, 2022 | Other Activities

Monday, February 7, 2022 BPS Tegal Regency held a FGD for Tegal Regency in Figures 2022. The FGD was held in the meeting room of the PMI Building, Tegal Regency. This event was attended by 38 OPD by presenting 3 resource persons. The Head of BPS for Tegal Regency, the Head of Bappeda and Research and Development for Tegal Regency was represented by the Secretary of Bappeda and R & D, and the Head of the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Office was represented by the Head of Statistics and Encryption.

 This FGD aims to create coordination and communication between sectors in the provision and use of data, to realize optimal data services according to user needs, to provide data and information produced by each SLPD and vertical agencies, to increase sectoral commitment, and to provide 2022 DDA for 2021 data. .

 Bambang Kusnandar Aribawa, SP, M.Si (Secretary of BAPPEDA AND RITBANG Tegal Regency) said that it was necessary to improve government data management. It is difficult to find government data, statistical differences between agencies, and quality data needs. He is also interested in One Data Indonesia (SDI). The Secretariat of One Data Indonesia (SDI) Organizing the One Data Forum at the District Level, BAPPEDA has the task of simultaneously coordinating SDI at the district level.

 The Department of Communication and Information (DISKOMINFO) has the task of being a data guardian in the structure of the SDI organizer and has the authority to check data with SDI principles, if there is a discrepancy, the data guardian returns the data to the producer. In addition, check the walidata to disseminate data through the Tegal Regency data portal. This was conveyed by Mrs. Luki Setiani, SAP. Head of Statistics and Encoding DISKOMINFO.

Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Ir. Jamaluddin, MM. expressed his hope that the 2022 DDA data 2021 could be available on 26 February 2022 to support priority data as material for the Musrembang. As a Data Supervisor, BPS will provide assistance to OPD on sectoral statistics as has been running in the previous year (Mila)

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