Tegal Regency One Data Indonesia Forum in 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Tegal Regency One Data Indonesia Forum in 2023

Tegal Regency One Data Indonesia Forum in 2023

November 8, 2023 | Other Activities

Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency organized the One Data Indonesia Forum on Wednesday, November 8, 2023. This activity was attended by all OPDs of Tegal Regency and the Tegal Regency BPS Sectoral Statistics Development Team. There were three speakers, Dra. Nurhayati, M.M. (Head of Diskominfo Tegal Regency) from Diskominfo Tegal Regency, Bambang Kusnandar Aribawa, S.P., S.H., M.Si (Secretary of Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency) from Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency, and Diana Dwi Susanti, S.ST (Associate Expert Statistician of BPS Tegal Regency) from BPS Tegal Regency.
The Satu Data Indonesia Forum is a forum for communication and coordination between agencies implementing Satu Data Indonesia (SDI). Satu Data Indonesia aims to realize the integration of development planning, implementation, evaluation, and control. Through the Satu Data Indonesia program, it is expected that the information system of community-based government agencies can be optimized.
In the Tegal Regency One Data Forum, it was discussed related to the preparation and agreement of Tegal Regency priority data. This priority data will be a reference in the preparation of Tegal Regency development plans. In addition, the Tegal Regency One Data Forum also discussed the evaluation of sectoral statistical guidance which began with the identification of statistical metadata followed by recommendations for sectoral statistical activities through the Romantik application.
In this activity, the Sectoral Statistics Development Team of BPS Tegal Regency was also present. Sectoral statistics coaching is one of BPS' duties in conducting sectoral statistics coaching, as stated in Law Number 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics. Through this coaching, it is expected that the competence of data managers in OPD can increase and understand sectoral statistics.
In the Tegal Regency One Data Forum, it is expected to create data integration between agencies and the realization of One Data Tegal Regency. This will facilitate the preparation of Tegal Regency development plans and improve the quality of public services to the community. (Tyas)

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