SEARCHING FOR POLYGON TRACK WILKERSTAT ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day



March 4, 2022 | BPS Activities

Updating the Geospatial framework and content of Wilkerstat 2022 has been started since March 1, 2022. Mapping officers and supervisors work together to produce accurate data.

There are fundamental differences between Wilkerstat 2019 and Wilkerstat 2022, one of which is geotagging for land cover projects. The land cover sample follows the census block, for the census block the land cover sample preparation is located in a location far from settlements. There are even those who have to climb mountains through valleys through thickets and strengthen their determination to enter areas that are far from reach.

Strong physique, sufficient energy, and the intention to work with all my heart that makes the mapper struggling to get tired to be able to reach the polygon point that is the allocation area. It's not an easy thing but it doesn't make the mapper give up.

There are many interesting stories from mappers about the process of geotagging land cover areas, such as stories from mappers in the Bojong sub-district which incidentally is an area of ​​agricultural potential. Some fell, some fell in the wet galengan, and some had to make a detour to reach the polygon point that was in sight.

The mapper's struggle really deserves appreciation. Tired of mappers is a form of struggle to produce accurate statistical work areas so that they can be used as material for the 2023 agricultural census and other censuses or surveys in the future. (Mila)

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