One Indonesian Data for quality data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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One Indonesian Data for quality data

One Indonesian Data for quality data

June 20, 2022 | Other Activities

As a form of BPS contribution in realizing one Indonesian data, BPS Tegal Regency carried out the Advanced SP2020 Socialization and the Declaration of Sectoral Statistics Development in Tegal Regency. This activity was held on Monday (20/6), at the Amangkurat Hall and was opened by the Regent of Tegal, Umi Azizah. This event was attended by Forkompinda along with the Head of the Regional Government Office in Tegal Regency, as well as all employees of the Tegal Regency BPS.

      In her speech, Umi Azizah really supports this activity. He realized that the momentum of economic recovery in Tegal Regency was carried out through the use of accurate data.

   Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Jamaludin as moderator with resource persons Adhi Wiriana, Head of Central Java Province BPS and Nurhayati, Head of Communications and Informatics Service representing the Regional Secretary of Tegal Regency.

In order to meet the data needs in the Tegal Regency environment and in line with the vision of BPS as a provider of quality statistical data for Advanced Indonesia, and to realize One Indonesian Data, BPS Tegal Regency carried out the Declaration of Sectoral Statistics Development. The development of sectoral statistics is expected to realize the realization of One Indonesian Data (SDI).

According to Nurhayati, the goal of development is to improve people's welfare. Quality development requires good planning. Therefore, quality data is needed in development planning.

In realizing SDI, Adhi said that BPS as the builder of statistical data has several tasks such as setting data standards that apply across agencies, establishing standard structures and formats, providing recommendations in the planning process of data collection by K/L/OPD, conducting re-examination of priority data. , conduct guidance on the implementation of SDI in accordance with statutory provisions. (Ann).
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