PK for Better Data Quality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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PK for Better Data Quality

PK for Better Data Quality

June 10, 2022 | BPS Activities

Quality Assurance (PK) is a stage to evaluate data collection in the field in a survey. With this PK, it is hoped that the resulting data is in accordance with the existing definition concept. In addition, PK is also a control to ensure that the survey/census Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) has been carried out by officers in the field.
In this Advanced 2020 Population Census, the Central Java provincial BPS conducted a PK to the Tegal Regency BPS. This activity was carried out for two days, namely, 9-10 June 2022. The first day, Thursday (9/6) a visit to respondents who had been recorded by field officers (PPL). PK officers, will make visits to two sample sub-districts in Dukuhwaru District and Pangkah District. The second day, Friday (10/6) is an exit meeting. Evaluation of PK findings will be presented in this activity. After the Advanced SP2020 PK, it is hoped that the quality of the data obtained will be even better. (Ann)
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