FGD on Development of Sectoral Statistics at Bappeda and Research and Development of Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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FGD on Development of Sectoral Statistics at Bappeda and Research and Development of Tegal Regency

FGD on Development of Sectoral Statistics at Bappeda and Research and Development of Tegal Regency

July 14, 2022 | Other Activities

Today (14/7/2022) a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held on the Development of Sectoral Statistics in Tegal Regency, which was held in the Loka Cipta Bina Room, Bappedalitbang, Tegal Regency.
The event was attended by the Head of Bappeda and Research and Development, Muhammad Faried Wajdy; Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Jamaluddin; Representatives from 48 OPDs and from the Tegal Regency Sector Statistics Development Team.
In his remarks, the Head of Bappeda emphasized the importance of data for monitoring and evaluation of development, thus emphasizing all OPDs to maximize their role in the Development of Sectoral Statistics.
Meanwhile, the Head of BPS explained that the data in each OPD still does not have standard data and the data is in a difficult form to process. Therefore, there is a need for assistance from BPS to overcome all of this. So that later we will have One Data for Tegal Regency which will support One Data for Indonesia.
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