Coordination Meeting for the Preliminary Data Collection for the Regsosek of Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Coordination Meeting for the Preliminary Data Collection for the Regsosek of Tegal Regency

Coordination Meeting for the Preliminary Data Collection for the Regsosek of Tegal Regency

September 20, 2022 | Other Activities

Tuesday, 20 September 2022 BPS Tegal Regency held a Regional Coordination Meeting (RAKORDA) at the Regency Level for Initial Socio-Economic Registration (REGSOSEK 2022) entitled "Recording to develop the country One Data for Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs" at Syailendra Building, Grand Dian Hotel Slawi .

This event aims to realize coordination and cooperation in the implementation of statistical activities between BPS, government agencies, and the community in building a national statistical information reference center.

Attended by the Regent of Tegal, Mrs. Dra. Umi Azizah, Regional Secretary of Tegal Regency, Ka. The relevant OPD, as well as the Camat and Kades/Lurah throughout Tegal Regency as a form of coordination and support in the framework of the 2022 Regsosek Initial Data Collection.

According to the Regent of Tegal, most of the community considers that the distribution of social assistance has not been well targeted. Even as reported from Litbang Kompas, it was stated that 70.9% of the subsidy had not been targeted.

It is hoped that with this Regsosek, a single more accurate data will be built. Regsosek itself is dynamic data so that the challenge in the future is data continuity which will be our shared responsibility, both local governments, village/kelurahan governments.

Regsosek itself aims to capture the dynamics of changes in community welfare, improve public services, and serve as reference data for the integration of social protection programs and economic empowerment.

Hopefully with this Rakorda event a harmonious collaboration can be realized between BPS, government agencies and village governments so that the goal of building accurate data can be achieved.(Mila)

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