Coordination Meeting to Agree on Priority Data for Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Coordination Meeting to Agree on Priority Data for Tegal Regency

Coordination Meeting to Agree on Priority Data for Tegal Regency

October 27, 2023 | Other Activities

On Friday, October 27, 2023 BPS Tegal Regency attended the Tegal Regency Priority Data Agreement Coordination meeting held by Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency. The event was held in the Cipta Workshop Room of Bappedalitbang Tegal Regency in order to encourage the realization of integrated data governance in accordance with the principle of One Data Indonesia (SDI).

The meeting was chaired by Leny Nur Rahayu Sad Astuti from Bappedalitbang, and attended by the Head of the BPS Sectoral Statistics Assistance Team including Tri Wahyuni, Ratna Sari Dewi, Sodikin, Amin Sukardi, Abdillah Juniadi, Heny Khristianawati, Martin Muktiasih, and their members and the Department of Communication and Information Chintya Devi Panglipuring Sriaji and Fitriani Naelil Adibah.

In this meeting, it was discussed the Mapping list of Tegal Regency priority data agreement in 2023 based on an evaluation of the availability of Tegal Regency priority data in 2022, identification data from sectoral statistical guidance in Regional Apparatus and provincial request data. This shows that in compiling the list of priority data, the local government has considered various aspects, namely:

- Data availability in the previous year

- Results of sectoral statistical guidance in regional apparatus

- Data needs from the province
Each Team Leader from BPS and Kominfo Statisticians delivered an analysis of the availability of priority data lists. This shows that the local government has involved BPS and Kominfo in the process of preparing the priority data list.

The highest appreciation was conveyed to the BPS and Kominfo Team as a companion to the development of sectoral statistics in Tegal Regency. This shows that the Tegal Regency Government appreciates the role of BPS and Kominfo in supporting local government efforts in producing and managing quality data.

Bappedalitbang will follow up with a letter to the Regional Apparatus to cross check the data list. This shows that the local government will re-verify with the regional apparatus to ensure the suitability of the priority data list with the needs of each regional apparatus. After the data list is agreed, the plan will be held Tegal Regency One Data Forum by Bappedalitbang inviting Regional Apparatus with BPS and Kominfo resource persons. This shows that the local government will socialize and disseminate the list of priority data to regional apparatus.

From the Office of Communication and Information said that this activity aims one of them to prepare the data available in the OPD Tegal Regency to be launched on the Web Sate Tegal, as a form of local government efforts in order to share data (interoperability) that can be used as a development policy in Tegal Regency.
In general, the results of the Tegal Regency priority data meeting showed that the local government was committed to producing and managing quality data. With the list of prioritized data, it is expected that local governments can focus more on producing the data needed to support more precise and fact-based decision making. (tri)
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