Regsosek Interview Assistance by Koseka Bojong - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Regsosek Interview Assistance by Koseka Bojong

Regsosek Interview Assistance by Koseka Bojong

October 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

Today (15/10/22) is the Beginning of Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek). The results of Regsosek will present the welfare rank of each resident. The management of data from Regsosek is also carried out with the principles of integrity and interoperability, so that the results are expected to be widely used by policy makers.
What is our role in Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection? The initial Regsosek data collection will record families throughout Indonesia on October 15-14 November 2022. It is hoped that all parties will actively participate in the success of this Pre-Regsosek Data Collection. Including by accepting Regsosek officers and answering the officers' questions correctly will help to realize quality data.
In Bojong District, Buniwah Village, for example, when Koseka Bojong District, Hayyun Kartika provided assistance to field officers, both PPL and PML (Supervisors). The head of the RT gave an objective answer about who was in his RT, both those who already had a family card or a new family. Based on the information from the head of the RT, a door-to-door visit will then be conducted to inquire further about various information from the family.
Regsosek is a government priority program. As President Jokowi said in his Speech on Financial Notes and the 2023 RAPBN, "Social protection program reform is directed at improving the recipient database through the development of Regsosek data." (uonk)
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