Preliminary Data Collection on Regsosek of Important People in Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Preliminary Data Collection on Regsosek of Important People in Tegal Regency

Preliminary Data Collection on Regsosek of Important People in Tegal Regency

October 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

Today, Thursday (20/10/22) the Regent of Tegal, Mrs. Umi Azizah is pleased to be recorded, the data collection is carried out at the Tegal Regent's Office House.
The data collection took place from 09.15 to 10.00 by PPL officer (Field Data Collection Officer) Yuzar and Field Supervisor (PML) Fahim Aryani. This data collection was accompanied by the Head of the Tegal Regency BPS, Mr. Jamaludin, the Head of the Tegal Regency BPS Regsosek Team, Ratna Sari Dewi and the Bojong District Census Coordinator (Koseka), Hayyun Kartika.
Previously, the Head of BPS for Tegal Regency explained the importance of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection for sustainable government programs and collaboration between government agencies so that the success of this data collection was awaited by many parties between agencies.
Furthermore, the officers recorded the family of the Regent with the regsosek22.K questionnaire. This questionnaire is used to record family and existing family members, containing questions about education, housing, and other socio-economic conditions.
The Regent answered all the questions in the data collection questionnaire enthusiastically and honestly. It is also hoped that this can be used as an example for all people in Tegal Regency to Answer Honestly if recorded by PPL and PML officers in the Tegal Regency area. (Hayyun)
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