Coordinating Meeting ST2023 Provincial Level - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Coordinating Meeting ST2023 Provincial Level

 Coordinating Meeting ST2023 Provincial Level

December 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS Central Java Province held a Coordination Meeting at the Provincial Level for the 2023 Agricultural Census with the theme Recording Indonesian Agriculture for Food Sovereignty and Farmers Welfare at the Sunan Solo Hotel on 20-22 December 2022.
BPS Tegal Regency sent a delegation from the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Head of the ST2023 team, Head of Agro, ST2023 Team, Inda ST2023, and accompanied by 3 people from OPD.
In his remarks, the Head of BPS for Central Java Province said that Indonesia is one of the largest food commodity markets in the world. The population reaches 270.20 million people and is dominated by people of productive age (70.72 percent) who tend to be consumptive. Besides that, Indonesia is a global main supplier of a number of strategic agricultural commodities. Therefore, the transformation of Indonesia's agriculture and food system determines the future of world food and agriculture. (Uonk)
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