Visit from Social Services to Tegal Regency BPS Regsosek Processing Center - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Visit from Social Services to Tegal Regency BPS Regsosek Processing Center

Visit from Social Services to Tegal Regency BPS Regsosek Processing Center

February 21, 2023 | BPS Activities

Today (21/2/2023), the Regsosek Processing Center of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal regency at SMK Bina Nusantara Slawi received a visit from Mr. Drs. Nur Ariful Hakim, MPS.Sp, Head of the Social Security and Disaster Division, Tegal Regency Social Service.

Accompanied by Regsosek Team Leader Mrs. Ratnasari Dewi, he saw firsthand the processing conditions from entry to checking the entry results by the supervisor. He also discussed a lot with the Head of the Regsosek Team from the data entry results, comprehensive data anomalies with 48 reasonableness tables and double counts.

The Head of the Regsosek Team said that the data from this processing will be used during the FKP (Public Consultation Forum) which involves the head of the RT, the Village Head and facilitators from BPS. Meanwhile, the Head of Linjamsos and Disaster said that this regsosek data is eagerly awaited by the Regional Government for future Regional Government Evaluation and Planning. (Uonk)
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