Briefing of Groundcheck Officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census Processing Results of BPS Tegal Reg - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Briefing of Groundcheck Officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census Processing Results of BPS Tegal Reg

Briefing of Groundcheck Officers of the 2023 Agricultural Census Processing Results of BPS Tegal Reg

October 9, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Monday, October 9, 2023, in the Multipurpose Hall of Edna Restaurant, Slawi, Tegal Regency, a very important activity was held for agricultural census officers. This activity aims to provide briefings to groundcheck officers of the 2023 agricultural census processing results that will be carried out in the Tegal Regency area. The event was opened by the Acting Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Andi Kurniawan, S.S.T., M.Si., who is one of the main figures in the agricultural census activity.

Not only Andi Kurniawan, two other important figures were also present at the event, Diana Dwi Susanti, an Associate Expert Statistician, and Ir. Tri Wahyuni, Head of the 2023 Agricultural Census Team of BPS Tegal Regency. Their presence gave more strength to this activity, showing serious commitment in carrying out this year's agricultural census.

The activity was divided into two sessions to ensure all participants gained a deep understanding of their duties in the agricultural census groundcheck. The first session started at 08.00 until 13.00, involving 73 participants from Margasari, Bumijawa, Bojong, Balapulang, Pagerbarang, Lebaksiu, Jatinegara, and Kedungbanteng sub-districts. They received direction and guidance on their tasks in collecting accurate and reliable data.

This activity is also a clear example of the hard work and collaboration between BPS Tegal Regency, experts, and the census team in carrying out their duties well for the advancement of this region in the field of agriculture. Hopefully, the results of this agricultural census will bring great benefits to Tegal Regency's agricultural development. (Wind)
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