Workshop on Agricultural Companies/Businesses for the 2023 Agricultural Census Successfully Held - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Workshop on Agricultural Companies/Businesses for the 2023 Agricultural Census Successfully Held

Workshop on Agricultural Companies/Businesses for the 2023 Agricultural Census  Successfully Held

October 26, 2023 | Other Activities

Surakarta - A total of 437 participants from various agricultural companies and businesses in Central Java Province, BPS RI, Central Java Provincial BPS and City District BPS attended a workshop organized by the Central Java Provincial Statistics Agency (BPS) at Haris Hotel Surakarta on 25-26 October 2023. This workshop aims to check anomalies in data processing results, increase closeness between agricultural companies / businesses and BPS, and increase literacy in agricultural strategic indicators.
The workshop was opened by Dadang Hardiwan, S.Si, M.Si, Head of BPS Central Java Province, who expressed his appreciation to all parties who had helped make the 2023 Agricultural Census a success. He also hoped that this workshop could be a means to strengthen cooperation between BPS and agricultural companies/businesses in the context of developing accurate and up-to-date agricultural data and information.
The first session of the workshop was in the form of a talk show with the theme "Accurate Agricultural Data, Appropriate Policies (New Hope from the Results of the Agricultural Census)" delivered by Hermanto, S.Si, MM, Principal Expert Statistician of BPS RI. He explained about the methodology, process, and results of the 2023 Agricultural Census, as well as its implications for the formulation of agricultural policies at the national and regional levels.
The second session of the workshop was in the form of material on "Literacy of Strategic Statistical Indicators of the Central Statistics Agency" delivered by Dr. Dewi Novita Sari. She explained the concept, definition, and classification of strategic statistical indicators used by BPS in producing official statistical data and information. She also gave examples of strategic statistical indicator applications in analyzing and evaluating agricultural performance.
The last session on the first day of the workshop was in the form of material on "Variety of BPS Agricultural Company Survey" delivered by Andy Yusuf Kurniawan and Penny Wulandari, BPS RI staff. They explained about the objectives, scope, sample design, instruments, procedures, and schedule of the survey of agricultural companies conducted by BPS periodically. They also provided tips and tricks for agricultural companies/businesses in filling out the survey questionnaire so that the data obtained can be valid and reliable.
The second day of the workshop was in the form of commission activities, where participants were divided into four commissions according to the agricultural business they run, namely the food crops, horticulture and plantation commission; livestock, fisheries and forestry commission; technical commission for the 2023 agricultural census; and leadership commission. In this commission activity, participants can have intensive discussions with resource persons and facilitators from BPS to further discuss agricultural data and information relevant to their business.
One of the workshop participants from PT Unggas Jaya, Andy Rahman, said that this workshop was very useful for agricultural companies/businesses in Central Java. "This workshop gave us new insights into agricultural data and information produced by BPS, as well as how to use it to improve the quality and productivity of our business. We can also interact directly with BPS to provide input and suggestions to make agricultural data more accurate and reliable," he said.
In addition to Andy Rahman, several agricultural companies/businesses from Tegal Regency also attended the workshop, namely Benny from KPH Balapulang, Maskuri from PT Duta Agrinti, Dedi from Debong Wetan Livestock KUB and Rita from KWT Godhong Ijo. Meanwhile, representatives of BPS Tegal Regency who attended were Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, SST, M.Si, Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Diana Dwi Susanti, Associate Expert Statistician and Winda Dwi Janingrum, First Statistician. 
The workshop was closed with the submission of conclusions and recommendations by each commission to BPS as input for the development of agricultural data and information in the future. BPS hopes that this workshop can be the beginning of closer and more harmonious cooperation between BPS and agricultural companies/businesses in Central Java. (Wind)

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