Tegal Regency's Poverty Rate Successfully Reduced - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Tegal Regency's Poverty Rate Successfully Reduced

Tegal Regency's Poverty Rate Successfully Reduced

October 31, 2023 | Other Activities

Tegal Regency has succeeded in reducing the poverty rate to 7.30 percent by 2023, according to a report submitted by the Tegal Regency Statistics Agency (BPS) team to Tegal Regent Mrs. Umi Azizah and Regional Secretary Mr. Amir Mahmud on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

The BPS team, led by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency Mr. Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, also introduced themselves as new officials who had just been appointed last September. Besides Mr. Bambang, the BPS team also consisted of Associate Expert Statistician Ms. Diana Dwi Susanti and Junior Expert Statisticians Ratna Sari Dewi and Annisa Purbaning Tyas.

In his report, Mr. Bambang explained that the poverty rate in Tegal Regency had decreased by 0.60 percentage points from the year 2022 which was 7.90 percent. This was the second highest rate of decline in Central Java after Magelang City. Thus, Tegal Regency ranks eighth as the regency/city with the lowest poverty rate in Central Java.

The decline in poverty is certainly inseparable from the various programs implemented by the Tegal Regency Government in the economic, social and development fields. The Head of BPS Tegal Regency appreciated the performance and commitment of the Tegal Regent and his staff in alleviating poverty in the region.

During the meeting, which lasted for approximately one hour, they also discussed various other topics related to the development of Tegal Regency, such as infrastructure development, informal employment, characteristics of generation Z, annual reflections, and village development. They also emphasized the importance of data in policy making, optimal data management, and data support that must be strengthened to develop the region starting from the village level. (Wind)

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