BPS Tegal Regency Rice-Cutting Survey Reveals Various Constraints of Farmers in Randusari Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Tegal Regency Rice-Cutting Survey Reveals Various Constraints of Farmers in Randusari Village

BPS Tegal Regency Rice-Cutting Survey Reveals Various Constraints of Farmers in Randusari Village

November 13, 2023 | BPS Activities

Pagerbarang, November 13, 2023 - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency conducted a survey of rice ubinan in Randusari Village, Pagerbarang Subdistrict, on Monday (13/11). The rice field survey is an activity of taking samples of rice harvest from paddy fields to calculate productivity and rice harvest area with a plot size of 6.25 square meters (2.5 x 2.5 meters). The survey was conducted by ubinan officers Toto Andriyanto, Agung Wicaksono and Mufid Nur Singgih, and accompanied by supervisors Adi Prima Widi Nugroho, Ari Yulianto, and Winda Dwi Janingrum.
The survey took samples from three different rice paddy plots in Randusari Village. The results of the sampled samples show that rice productivity in the village varies depending on factors such as the type of seed, amount of fertilizer, water availability, and pest attacks. 
The details of the results of the sampled rice paddies in the three plots were that some were quite good because the farmer applied fertilizer on time and regularly, some were very low because he applied fertilizer late due to the difficulty of getting fertilizer in the market, some were unsatisfactory because the porosity of the land was very high, so that irrigation water from the diesel pump was absorbed directly into the soil. The farmer also said that he had to spend more money to water his rice fields using diesel and LPG gas.
Farmers hope that the government can provide assistance in the form of more availability of fertilizer in the market so that it is not difficult to find fertilizer when the planting season arrives. The current selling price of unhusked rice is relatively high, where the price of harvested dry grain is Rp 680,000 per quintal, while the price of milled dry grain is Rp 800,000 per quintal. The obstacle in this planting season, apart from the availability of fertilizer, is the prolonged dry season. As for pest infestation, according to them, it was relatively lighter when compared to the pest attack in last year's planting season. 
The Tegal Regency BPS rice ubinan survey is part of the agricultural statistical activities that are routinely carried out every subround of the growing season. The purpose of this survey was to produce accurate and reliable data on the size of harvest areas, productivity, and rice production in Tegal Regency. This data will later be used for planning and evaluating agricultural policies at the regency, provincial and national levels. (wind)
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