BPS Tegal Regency Establishes Synergy with Tegal Regency Government to Succeed BPS Survey Activities - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Tegal Regency Establishes Synergy with Tegal Regency Government to Succeed BPS Survey Activities

BPS Tegal Regency Establishes Synergy with Tegal Regency Government to Succeed BPS Survey Activities

February 21, 2024 | BPS Activities

Tegal, February 21, 2024 - The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency established a synergy with the Tegal Regency Government in order to succeed three national surveys, namely the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas), the Quarterly Household Survey (Seruti), and the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas).

The coordination and request for support for the survey activities was carried out in a meeting between the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, and Pj Regent of Tegal, Agustyarsyah, accompanied by Regional Secretary Amir Makhmud, in the Adipati Room of the Tegal Regent's Office, Wednesday (21/2).

"This meeting aims to establish synergy and ask for support from Tegal Regency Government in the implementation of three national surveys that will be conducted by BPS," said Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji.

Susenas is a survey conducted by BPS every month to collect data on the socioeconomic conditions of households, such as expenditure, income, consumption, and education. Seruti is conducted every quarter to monitor the development of household socioeconomic conditions more quickly. The field implementation of Susenas was held on February 1 - March 9, 2024 and Seruti was held on February 1 - 28, 2024, while Sakernas is conducted annually to find out the employment conditions in Indonesia on January 25 - March 7, 2024.
The Acting Regent of Tegal, Agustyarsyah, welcomed the coordination conducted by BPS. He expressed his commitment to fully support the implementation of these national surveys.
"The Tegal Regency Government is ready to fully support the implementation of these surveys," Agustyarsyah said. "The data generated from these surveys is very important for regional development planning and targeted policy making."
Agustyarsyah also appealed to the entire Tegal Regency community to actively participate in these surveys.
"I hope all people of Tegal Regency can accept BPS officers well and provide honest and accurate answers," Agustyarsyah said. "The data provided by the community is very important to produce quality statistics."
Close cooperation between BPS and Tegal Regency Government is expected to ensure the smooth and successful implementation of national surveys in Tegal Regency. The data generated from these surveys will be an important foundation for regional development and the welfare of the people of Tegal Regency. (adn)
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