Statistical Coordination between BPS Tegal Regency and Disporapar - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Statistical Coordination between BPS Tegal Regency and Disporapar

Statistical Coordination between BPS Tegal Regency and Disporapar

November 14, 2023 | Other Activities

Slawi, November 14, 2023 - As an implementation of Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics which mandates the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) as a government agency responsible for the implementation of statistics, BPS Tegal Regency continues to make coordination efforts with Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in its territory.

On Tuesday (11/14), BPS Tegal Regency carried out coordination activities with the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports (Disporapar). This activity was a continuation of the previous sectoral statistical guidance program that had been carried out by BPS to Disporapar.

One important aspect of this coordination is the implementation of Statistical Activity Recommendations. Statistical activity recommendations are suggestions and inputs provided by BPS on the design of statistical activities submitted by Ministries, Institutions, or Regional Apparatus Organizations (K/L/OPD) to BPS. This step is taken to prevent duplication of statistical activity designs in other agencies, so that data efficiency and accuracy can be maintained.

The Head of the Tourism, Youth and Sports Agency, Akhmad Uwes Qoroni, MT, opened this activity at the Guyub Rukun Hall. The event was attended by representatives from the Office of Communication and Information as the data administrator, BPS as the data coach, and administrative officers from Disporapar.
This activity reflects the spirit of cooperation between agencies in optimizing the use of statistical data for better planning and decision making at the regional level. With this kind of coordination, it is hoped that the synergy between BPS and OPD can make a positive contribution to the development of Tegal Regency. (4nn1)
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