Internalization of the Results of the National Meeting of BPS Leaders at BPS Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Internalization of the Results of the National Meeting of BPS Leaders at BPS Tegal Regency

Internalization of the Results of the National Meeting of BPS Leaders at BPS Tegal Regency

November 17, 2023 | Other Activities

Slawi, November 17, 2023. The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency held an internalization activity of the results of the National Technical Meeting (Rateknas) of BPS Leaders. The internalization activity was led by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji in the technical room of BPS Tegal Regency, followed by all employees of BPS Tegal Regency.

In the internalization, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency conveyed several important points that became the focus of BPS Tegal Regency's work in 2023, among others:

2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023). 
The Head of BPS Tegal Regency appreciated the performance of employees who had successfully carried out the 2023 Agricultural Census well and on time. He emphasized the importance of cross-checking the data from the agricultural census with sectoral data from related agencies, as well as paying attention to phenomena in the field related to the results of the agricultural census. 

Release of 2023 Agricultural Census Results 
Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji conveyed that BPS Tegal Regency will conduct a mandatory release of the 2023 Agricultural Census results in accordance with the direction of BPS RI.   

Qualified BPS Partners
Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji emphasized the importance of recruiting the best BPS partners in order to obtain the best quality partners as the spearhead of data collection in the field. 

The internalization of the results of the BPS Leaders' Meeting went smoothly and interactively. All employees of BPS Tegal Regency expressed their commitment and sincerity to carry out their duties and responsibilities as well as possible. (wind)
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