Supervision of ASF Survey in Pangkah Sub-district - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Supervision of ASF Survey in Pangkah Sub-district

Supervision of ASF Survey in Pangkah Sub-district

November 26, 2023 | BPS Activities

PANGKAH - Sunday, November 26, 2023, became an important day for Pangkah Sub-district, especially Pangkah Village and Grobok Wetan Village. On that day, supervision of the Area Sample Framework (ASF) survey was carried out by Sakti Eko and enumerator Sugito.

The Area Sample Framework (ASF) survey is a survey method used by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to collect statistical data. In this survey, the territory of Indonesia is divided into various areas or blocks called "sample areas". Then, from each sample area, statistical data is collected from a number of households or other units. The objective of ASF surveys is to obtain data that represents the population as a whole in an efficient and accurate manner.

This activity is part of the efforts of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to continue to improve the quality of ASF reporting. It is hoped that with this supervision, ASF survey reports will be carried out in accordance with Standard Operational Procedures (SOP).

Sakti Eko, as the supervisor, said that this supervision is very important to ensure that all survey processes run well and the data obtained is accurate. Meanwhile, enumerator Sugito revealed that this supervision also provided valuable lessons for him. "This supervision helped me to better understand the survey process and how to report it properly," Sugito said.  

By using the area sample method, ASF surveys enable more efficient data collection because there is no need to survey the entire population, but only a number of sample areas that have been systematically selected. ASF survey results are then used as the basis for decision-making, planning, and policy evaluation by the government and various other parties that require statistical data.(uong)
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