Supervision to Penusupan Pangkah Slaughterhouse: Improving the Quality of Livestock Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Supervision to Penusupan Pangkah Slaughterhouse: Improving the Quality of Livestock Data

Supervision to Penusupan Pangkah Slaughterhouse: Improving the Quality of Livestock Data

December 13, 2023 | BPS Activities

Slawi, December 13, 2023 - In order to improve the quality of livestock data, the Central Java Provincial Statistics Agency (BPS) conducted a supervision to the Penusupan Pangkah Slaughterhouse (RPH) in Tegal Regency on Tuesday, December 13, 2023. The supervision involved a team from BPS Central Java Province led by Dody Saputra, Dian Eka P and a team from BPS Tegal Regency consisting of Tri Wahyuni, Sakti Eko Haryanto, and Winda Dwi J. They were welcomed by Khaerudin and Aris from Penusupan Pangkah abattoir.

This supervision aims to ensure the timeliness, data quality, and coverage of data collection on the number of livestock slaughtered at Penusupan Pangkah abattoir. This data is important to measure the development of the livestock sector in Tegal Regency and Central Java Province as a whole. In addition, this data can also be used for planning and evaluating policies related to the livestock sector. 
Tegal regency is one of the regencies known as the city of goat satay. This indicates that the demand and consumption of goat meat in this regency is quite high. However, there are several obstacles faced in collecting data on the number of livestock slaughtered at RPH Penusupan Pangkah. One of them is the limited regulations related to retribution, so not all slaughtering is recorded. Primarily, individual slaughtering that is not subject to retribution is not recorded, resulting in an under estimate of the number of reported livestock. This is a problem in reporting the number of livestock every month.

In addition, the condition of the Penusupan Pangkah abattoir facilities is also a consideration for meat entrepreneurs to slaughter their livestock at the abattoir. Inadequate facilities can reduce the quality of meat produced and reduce consumer confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to repair and improve the Penusupan Pangkah abattoir facilities so that it can serve livestock slaughtering better.

In this supervision, the BPS Central Java Province and BPS Tegal Regency teams made direct observations to the slaughterhouse and conducted interviews with the Penusupan Pangkah abattoir. They also provided input and suggestions to improve the quality of data on livestock slaughtered at the abattoir. In addition, they also gave appreciation and support to the Penusupan Pangkah abattoir for their cooperation and participation in providing livestock data.

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