The Importance of Maintaining Sectoral Data Quality - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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The Importance of Maintaining Sectoral Data Quality

The Importance of Maintaining Sectoral Data Quality

February 21, 2024 | Other Activities

On February 21 2024, in the meeting room of the Tegal Regency Communication and Informatics Service, sectoral statistical development was carried out which was attended by a team from the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Service as data guardian, Tegal Regency BPS as data supervisor and representatives from the Food Security and Agriculture Service as well as representatives from The Tegal Regency Fisheries and Maritime Service is also a data producer in Tegal Regency.
The meeting was part of efforts to develop sectoral statistics carried out by the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Service. The purpose of the meeting was to prepare an evaluation of the Sectoral Statistical Assessment related to Data Quality. The chairman of the meeting was Mrs. Sri Rejeki, S.IP, MM, who serves as Head of the Data, Statistics and Coding Division of the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Service.
Mrs. Diana Dwi Susanti. SST as supervisor of BPS Tegal Regency Sectoral Statistics said that maintaining data quality is very important because quality data is a strong basis for making the right decisions. Public organizations, such as governments, have a responsibility to provide accurate information to the public. Quality data helps the government in formulating effective policies and explaining government performance to the public.
In this meeting, various aspects related to data quality were discussed which were the focus of the evaluation, such as relevance, accuracy, actuality and timeliness, accessibility and data comparability and consistency. It is hoped that the discussions and deliberations held at the meeting can improve and increase the quality of the data that will be evaluated in the Sectoral Statistical Assessment
With activities like this, it is hoped that the Tegal Regency Regional Government Organization can improve the quality of sectoral data, so that the information produced can be used more efficiently and provide a stronger basis for decision making at the district level. (Mart)
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