February 29, 2024 | Other Activities
BPS Tegal Regency visited schools again to conduct Statistic Literacy Goes to School at SMAN 1 Slawi on February 27 and 29, 2024. Literacy was conducted to around one hundred students, representatives from classes X and XI. This activity is one of the responsibilities of statistical guidance to the wider community, and in this case the target is high school students. The event was opened by the Principal of SMAN 1 Slawi, Mrs. Sunarni, S.Pd, M.Pd and was also attended by Associate Expert Statistician of BPS Tegal Regency Diana Dwi Susanti S.ST, M.Si in the meeting room of SMAN 1 Tegal Regency.
Mrs. Sunarni highly welcomed this activity so that students have broad educational insights and can be useful for continuing to the next level of education, and provide space for BPS Tegal Regency to programmatically collaborate with the school in the Statistical Literacy Corner for students and teachers.
The Head of the Goes to School Team, Ika Efrilia SE, MM, a Junior Expert Statistician, arranged a gradual and systemic coaching program and provided briefing for student representatives so that they could gain insight and enlightenment about basic statistics and official statistics. Other team members, Abdillah Junaidi, S.ST and Adi Prima, S.ST gradually provided briefings on data processing through excel programs and how to visualize data.
The follow-up of this activity is to hold a competition at the high school level to select the best School Statistical Ambassador and establish a Statistical Literacy locus at the school as a central point for dissemination of useful and quality statistics and will be a follow-up program of BPS Tegal Regency. (Ikalia)
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Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Tegal (BPS-Statistics of Tegal Regency)Jl Ade Irma Suryani No 1 Slawi Tegal
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